Several Christian denominations observe World Communion Sunday, which promotes Christian unity and observation of the Holy Communion. Is Eucharist communion? Yes, Eucharist is another name for the Holy Communion. It is also called Mass, the Lord’s Supper, or the Divine Liturgy. What does communi...
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Paragraph 55discusses receiving Communion, if possible, from hosts consecrated at the Mass in which you participate. That is often done or attempted in many parishes today, but it is difficult to do in a precise way. It’s hard to calculate the exact number of hosts you will need. Also,...
52Some Jewish leaders were also very leery of changes to customs, liturgy or ritual practices that made Jewish praxis more similar to that of Muslims. At the same time, Jews from all levels of society were drawn to aspects of Muslim religious life, especially Sufism. Moses b. Maimon himself...
Sunday, September 25, 2022, was our father’s last full day on this earth. His last day was spent serving in the altar at my brother’s parish where our sister and mother also attend church. He had received Holy Communion that day and spent time with everyone during Coffee Hour afterward...
The Church, as rightly understood (the gift of communion with Jesus Christ through his Body and Blood, and with his life and lessons as recorded and disseminated by his Apostles) is the ONLY “long line” that counts, and it persists in spite of the sins and (less frequent) lies pro...
The irony is that Friends’ practices and liturgy were hardly flamboyant. They gathered silently to await what they took to be God’s words on the lips of their fellows. They viewed communion as this collective gathering, with all other liturgical forms stripped away (see Dandelion 2005 for di...