Several Christian denominations observe World Communion Sunday, which promotes Christian unity and observation of the Holy Communion. Is Eucharist communion? Yes, Eucharist is another name for the Holy Communion. It is also called Mass, the Lord’s Supper, or the Divine Liturgy. What does communi...
Communion (40) Communion and Liberation (12) Communism (95) Communist Party of China (7) Community of Sant'Egidio (5) conclave (6) Condolences (6) confession (39) Confessions (6) confirmation (9) Congo (8) Congregation for Divine Worship (13) Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith (14)...
Several years ago, a Sunday radio show in New York was called “Where Catholics Meet” (I don’t know if it is still running). I would like to suggest that the Sacred Liturgy istheplace “where Catholics meet.” That fact helps explain why emotions run so high and tensions surface so ...
Due to differing definitions of the terms used by different denominations and Christian World Communions, and to the overlapping categories at a number of points, the total picture presented here should be regarded as in the main an impressionistic portrait in oils rather than an exact photographic...
am linked in communion with Thy Blessedness, that is, with the Chair of Peter. Upon that Rock I know that the Church is built. Whoso shall eat the Lamb outside this house is profane. If any be not in the ark of Noah, he will perish when the deluge prevails..." ...
the Vatican issued a declaration "on revision of the calendar," saying council members "would not object if the feast of Easter were assigned to a particular Sunday of the Gregorian calendar, provided that those whom it may concern, especially the brethren who are not in communion with the Ap...
"To adhere to a false Bishop of Rome [a false "pope"] is to be out of communion with the Church." -St. Cyprian The Triumph of the Immaculate and exaltation of Holy Church to the glory of Christ the King should never be removed from its true historical context in the End Times of ...
To think with the Church... In "the Spirit of Benny 16". Catholic Theology, Ecumenism, Interfaith relations, History, Liturgy, Philosophy and whatever topics are hot in the ecclesiastical world! Please comment - with gentleness and reverence! Our motto
Communion of Reparation, Consecration of Russia, Penance. Everything that your cronies in this enterprise are trying to drive people away from. I have been overly long on this topic and I will conclude here on the saddest note. Commenting on the vision the future Pope Benedict XVI states ...
Moreover, can someone please explain to me what being in the Church or “in full communion” means anymore when we have bishops and priests openly denying Church teaching, but are still in “good standing” and “full communion” all with the Pope’s wink and nod if not outright bless...