Current local time and time zone in London, United Kingdom, Europe. Get the latest world time, weather, images and statistics in London at World Clock
LocationLocal TimeTime ZoneUTC Offset Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) 2025年3月4日星期二0時43分39秒 AST UTC+3 hours London (United Kingdom – England) 2025年3月3日星期一21時43分39秒 GMT UTC Corresponding UTC (GMT) 2025年3月3日星期一21時43分39秒 How...
LocationLocal TimeTime ZoneUTC Offset London (United Kingdom – England) 2025年3月9日星期日22時08分00秒 GMT UTC Winnipeg (Canada – Manitoba) 2025年3月9日星期日17時08分00秒 CDT UTC-5 hours Corresponding UTC (GMT) 2025年3月9日星期日22時08分00秒 How...
Current local time in United Kingdom, Europe. Get the latest world time, weather, images and statistics in United Kingdom at World Clock.
London, England, United Kingdom Welcome to World 5k. The world’s largest virtual 5k. Uniting people and bringing the world’s global running community together through the simple act of participating in a 5k. Inspired by people exercising on their own, running in their homes, gardens and on...
( )1. It's a river in England that flows through London and other parts of the south of the England.( )2. Its old name is the Big Ben. It is 95 metres high and 7 metres in diameter(直径).( )3. It is named after Gustave Eiffel, the famous architect (建筑师) who made great...
The US or the USA is short for America. The US 或 The USA是美国的简称。The UK is short for England. The UK是英国的简称。Every country has its capital. 每个国家都有自己的首都。London is the capital of England. 伦敦是英国的首都。Paris is the capital of France. 巴黎是法国的首都。
Here’s when we talk about technicalities. If you spend1 day in Londonthen technically you’ve visited all of the UK. But what about Northern Ireland for example? You’ve ‘ticked off’ Northern Ireland by visiting just the UK. The UK is the country by definition, but the devolved situat...
The United Kingdom as a state entity often known by the acceptable name Britain and the non-acceptable by the Scottish, the Welsh and the people of Northern Ireland, England. The nationalities include four regions: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom is a ...
London(United Kingdom – England)2025年1月25日星期六4時09分15秒GMTUTC Corresponding UTC (GMT)2025年1月25日星期六4時09分15秒 How to use the Time Zone Converter Glossary UTC Coordinated Universal Time- the international basis for other time zones. ...