Message by UN Secretary-General António Guterres on World Meteorological Day 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯世界气象日致辞 23 March 2024 2024年3月21日 Our climate is collapsing. The signs have never been clearer. The lates...
World Meteorological Day 世界 气象日 WorldMeteorologicalDay 气象日一般指世界气象日。又称“国际气象日”是世界气象组织成立的纪念日,世界气象日开展的时间定于每年的3月23日。 世界 气象日 World Meteorological Day 世界 气象日 2024年世界气象日的主题是--...
World Meteorological Day 2024气候行动最前线At the frontline of climate action地球是人类赖以生存和发展的家园,气候变化给人类造成的影响广泛而深远,不仅关乎当下,更关乎未来。世界气象组织确认2023年全球气温比工业化前水平高出了1.45℃,再次打破历史纪录。联合国秘书长古特雷斯发出“全球沸腾时代到来”的警告。
Addressing the opening ceremony, Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said, "This event gives us the opportunity to explore new solutions to the environmental challenges facing cities, especially those under increasing pressure from climate change, such as our coastal cities." The Shanghai Award i...
Yet, for centuries, communities in these regions have developed architectural techniques that do not fight against humidity but instead work with it, leveraging local materials, climate-responsive design, and passive cooling techniques to create sustainable and livable spaces. By considering atmosphere as...
Conserve energy:Use energy-efficient appliances, turn off lights when not in use, and consider renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change and land degradation. Travel responsibly:Walk, bike, or use public transportation whenever possible to reduce your...
【展会名称】2024 年俄罗斯国际制冷设备及空调通风、 暖通展 CLIMATE WORLD 【展会时间】2024 年 2 月 27 日-3 月 1 日 【展会地点】莫斯科 ExpocentreFairgrounds 【展会主办方】EUROEXPO、俄罗斯制冷协会 (APIC)【组展单位】新天会展机构 展会简介:CLIMATEWORLDExpo是俄罗斯供暖、空调、通风、工业和商业制冷领域最...
Climate World 2024 展会时间:2024年2月27-3月1日 展会地址:俄罗斯莫斯科 Climate World是俄罗斯HVACR行业内规模最大、档次最高的展。几乎所有业内国际知名厂家都盛大出席。 俄罗斯暖通制冷展2024展位预定、门票预约、会刊申请 展位价格-官网预约 俄罗斯莫斯科暖通空调及制冷展览会(Climate World)是唯一一个专门的国际项...
The world registered its hottest day on record for the second time in just two days, according to the latest data compiled by the EU's climate monitor.
This photo taken on Sept. 27, 2024 shows the Plenary Session on NEV50@2035: The Road to Address Climate Change of the 2024 World New Energy Vehicle Congress (WNEVC) in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province. The 2024 WNEVC kicked off on Friday in Haikou. Themed "Low Carbon Evolution and...