I hauled three containers in my carry-on: for my mentor; for an incredibly helpful Writing Center tutor who walked me through all the ghastly formatting issues of final requirements, plus an entire PowerPoint presentation; and for our WONDERFUL FRIENDS who shared their home with me, FIVE TIMES ...
Hudgeons, Marc, et. al.Official Blackbook Price Guide to World CoinsA peculiar work which catalogs a handfull of coins each, mostly post-1940's, from just 47 countries, with no cat. nos. or cross-references, but buy or sell (sometimes both) prices in one grade. Prices are often odd...
BF Cat (Volkswagen Fox), BF Club (VW Golf Mk 1), BF Carmonger (Volkswagen Karmann Ghia), BF Crusader (VW Santana), BF Dune Buggy (Sandrail), BF Dune FAV (modified Sandrail), BF Farmer (Deutz-Fahr Agrofarm), BF Harmattan (Volkswagen Scirocco), BF Injection (VW Fusca Buggy 1963)...
Perhaps a ferocious cat, or a co… Metabolic Syndrome: A Major Health Problem of Our Civilization 01 January 2020 | Sinem Akbulak | Issue 133 (Jan - Feb 2020) Life is in the center of existence, and food is in the center of life. All living things are in pursuit of their ...
4/9/12--Fat Cat Modesto, CA 4/10/12--Don Quixote's--Felton, CA 4/12/12--Cargo--Reno, NV 4/13/12--The Boardwalk--Orangevale, CA 4/14/12--The Metro--Oakland, CA 4/17/12--Hawthorne Theatre--Portland, OR 4/18/12--El Corazon--Seattle, WA 4/21/12--Herman's Hide...
I mean, okay, yes, one cat tell someone at the factory kind of fucked up putting the finishing on the neck scoff, but I basically just scored an epiphone 59 les paul (which has a really good reputation for being a damned good gibson copy, for the 6000 or so less that it actuall...
Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and are instantly recognizable thanks to their striking orange and black stripes. These apex predators are capable of taking down prey of all sizes, from rodents toelephantcalves. Increasingly in recent decades, human activities such as poaching have...
It's the kind of place, too, where you can imagine a guest turning up with 150 suitcases, demanding litres of Evian water to wash with, or insisting their cat be fed 50 grams of caviar a day. This is a hotel where the extraordinary feels like an everyday affair. From £769. Jane...
Home & Work—Tinker and automate with your daily routine. Persee lets you track and respond to humans, and even see in the dark. Deliver your next presentation slideshow via gesture. Automatically track your cat's movements. Control the lights and music at your next house party. Turn your ...