WorldCat中文全称是WorldCat全球联机联合目录数据库,是唯一一个全球图书馆联合目录。1971年8月Ohio University的Alden Library是第一家通过WorldCat进行编目的图书馆;51年以后的今天,WorldCat已有超过2万家成员馆。 目前WorldCat共收录有483种语种的5.2亿多条书目...
书籍介绍 Harper Collins旗下的 Big Cat系列,和家喻户晓的牛津树一样,自问世以来,便风靡全英美小学,是在英美国家,学校广泛使用的“教材型分级读物”,全英联邦有超过四分之一的学校都在用这套书教学。 大猫是一个完整的阅读进阶体系。 书...
“We are on track for a winter season that promises to match pre-pandemic levels. The pace of sales is currently very comparable to 2019. Although the quarterly results are still affected by the costs of resuming operations, July was our first profitable month in more than two years, setting...
Perhaps a ferocious cat, or a co… Metabolic Syndrome: A Major Health Problem of Our Civilization 01 January 2020 | Sinem Akbulak | Issue 133 (Jan - Feb 2020) Life is in the center of existence, and food is in the center of life. All living things are in pursuit of their ...
Elat, Idaho, Katt, Erb, a lah, TPN, GCT, Surt, Sno-Cat, Ennomus, a yod, Lanier, a rule, Gao, a ling, a grommet, Metsys, an oos, Sabatier, Kask, alae, Rosanne, Peerce, Darb, Banat, Fates, Orvah, a com, Aornum, Lud, Bates, Rodmun, a cranage, Papen, Igal, a mane, ...
(the lessor). The acquisition process was explained in detail at the time, together with details about the groundbreaking acquisition deal; that it was a 12-year Sale and Leaseback Agreement with GECAS, for aircraft to be specifically built for Fiji Airways. The lessor is effectively renting ...
I would be a very wealthy fat cat if I could just collect the grain that is thrown out with the straw from combines from Oklahoma to Alberta. If the grain goes bad, your costs become serious losses that can bend the pocketbook severely. The crop must be sold to have any kind of ...
BürgerfahrzeugBadge (VW ID Concept), BF Beach (Seat Ibiza), BF Bifta (Meyers Manx), BF Cat (Volkswagen Fox), BF Club (VW Golf Mk 1), BF Carmonger (Volkswagen Karmann Ghia), BF Crusader (VW Santana), BF Dune Buggy (Sandrail), BF Dune FAV (modified Sandrail), BF Farmer (Deutz-...
The Behind the Seeds tour is for all those who love Living with the Land, just like we do. Behind the Seeds is a one-hour tour of the fish farm and 4 greenhouses that comprise The Land Pavilion. It includes: Learning about the hybrid striped bass, tilapia, catfish, and freshwater ...
A Web-based consumer product marketing communication network for managing and delivering consumer product marketing communications to consumers along E-Commerce (EC) enabled Web sit