World aquacultureFisheries managementGenomic selectionIntelligent systemCapture fisheries and aquaculture provide a significant amount of high-quality protein to human beings and thus play an essential role in ending global hunger and malnutrition. The availability of tens of hundreds of fish genomes and ...
Capturefisheriesproduction19 Thestatusoffisheryresources20 FIGURE18Globaltrendsinthestateoftheworld’s marinefisherystocks,1974–202121 Fishingfleet21 Employmentinfisheriesandaquaculture21 Utilizationandprocessing22 Apparentconsumptionofaquaticfoods22 FIGURE39Contributionofaquaticanimalfoodsto ...
World fisheries and aquaculture production, The status of the fishing fleet 41 utilization and trade 3 The status of fishery resources 47 2. Marine capture production: major producing Fish utilization and processing 59 countries and territories 13 Fish consumption 65 3. Marine capture production: ...
pro iles uture scenarios to provide readers with the most current global view and perspectives on isheries and aquaculture. I 5 6 9 2 E / 1 / 0 7 . 1 6 WORLD FISH UTILIZATION AND SUPPLY RELATIVE CONTRIBUTION OF AQUACULTURE AND CAPTURE FISHERIES TO FISH FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION相关...
AquacultureCatch reconstructionCatch trendsGlobal f i sheriesMarine capture f i sheriesStock statusA B S T R A C TComments are provided on several points in the 2016 State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture producedby the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It ...
Aquaculture, despite a falling growth rate in recent years, remains the fastest-growing animal-food-producing sector and is set to overtake capture fisheries as a source of food fish. Overall production of the sector continues to grow. This publication analyses and reviews the latest available ...
Inland capture fishery statistics of Southeast Asia: current status and information needs. Inland capture fisheries in Southeast Asia are characterised by great diversity in the range of gears used, types of environments in which they are used and the socially and culturally complex societies within ...
state of the world’s inland capture fishery resources for future editions of The StateofWorld FisheriesandAquaculture. 目的是利用新方法,为未来版本的《世界渔业和水产养殖状况》提供 更全面和更多信息的世界内陆捕捞渔业资源状况概要。
期刊名称:《World fishing and aquaculture》|2012年第7期 13.Chinese aquaculture grows as marine capture declines 机译:中国水产养殖业随着海洋捕捞量下降而增长 作者:David Hayes 期刊名称:《World fishing and aquaculture》|2012年第10期 14.Taiwan's seeks closer cooperation with fishery-rich island nations ...
Squid fisheries make a rather small contribution to world landings from capture fisheries relative to that of fish, but the proportion has increased steadily over the last decade, with some signs of recent leveling off. The present overview describes all substantial squid fisheries around the globe....