Indulge in endless laughter with our crazy collection of funny jokes, witty one-liners, clever puns, party games and more. Dive in for unforgettable giggles!
He then asked people to rate(定级)the jokes from 1 ("not very funny") to 5 ("very funny"). People could also tell their own jokes.At the end of one year, Wiseman had two million ratings and 40,000 jokes from around the world.Why study jokes? Dr. Wiseman thinks humor can tell ...
Scientists have discovered the world's funniest joke! Dr. Wiseman,from Oxford University in Britain,created a website with jokes on it.He then asked people to rate(定级)the jokes from 1(“not very funny”)to 5(“ver
a heapin' helping of the World's Best - One Liners! At you'll find jokes, comics, and funny stories -- humor of all kinds for adults and kids -- served up piping hot every day. (Steamed -- not fried -- so don't worry about your cholesterol.) Bon appétit!
For example,Europeans rated jokes about serious topiclike death "very funny". North Americans laughed mostat jokes that made fun of people. So, what was the world's funniest joke?Two men are hunting(打猎). Suddenly, one man falls down and isn't moving. The other mancalls for help on ...
from Oxford University in Britain,created a website with jokes on it.He then asked people to rate(定级)the jokes from 1(“not very funny”)to 5(“very funny”).People could also tell their own jokes.At the end of one year,Wiseman had two million ratings and 40,000 jokes from around...
It boosts your mood, and even lengthens your life. Watch your favorite comedy, read a funny book, or gather some friends to tell jokes and get your diaphragm working.
In a Tokyo shop:Our nylons cost more than common, but you’ll find they are best in the long run. Cars & road signs A sign on a car in Manila, Philippines:Car and owner for sale. A sign at a vehicle repair shop in Bali Indonesia:Cat Oven. ...
Best Jokes of All Time - Jokes Quotes Factory produces jokes, quotes, puns, riddles and funny carrots.
Christmas crackers jokes, Funny Christmas crackers and humorous jokes by English-Culture for your enjoyment and your amusing Christmas Holidays