WORLD BEE DAY¹ 與GUERLAIN 一起保育蜜蜂 GUERLAIN 支持2023年 WORLD BEE DAY¹,連續3年呼籲全世界響應行動 我們的目標不變,希望能在3天內籌集超過100萬歐元來支持「Guerlain for Bees Conservation Programme」²。許多自然界的瑰寶和資源,都是蜜蜂的傑作。Guerlain 矢志保護蜜蜂,竭盡所能教育下一代,讓大家了...
2020 星期三 5月20日 (三) World Bee Day United Nations Observance 2021 星期四 5月20日 (四) World Bee Day United Nations Observance 2022 星期五 5月20日 (五) World Bee Day United Nations Observance 2023 星期六 5月20日 (六) World Bee Day United Nations Observance 2024 星期一 5月20日 ...
World Bee Day is an official United Nations observance held on May 20 each year. Its main goal is to raise awareness of the importance of bees for pollination and their contribution to sustainable development. Bees and other pollinators, such as butterflies, hummingbirds and some bat species,...
World Bee Day holiday celebration and observances in International Calendar. When is & how many days until World Bee Day in 2023?
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) marked today World Bee Day 2023 with a global ceremony in which participants emphasized the importance of promoting sustainable agricultural practices that respect the vital role pollinators play in nature. Pollination is essential for ...
5月21日译名发布:World Bee Day 外文全称:World Bee Day 中文译名:世界蜜蜂日 背景介绍:5月20日是第三个“世界蜜蜂日”,今年的主题是“‘蜜’切参与”,特别关注蜂产业和世界各地养蜂者为维持生计和提供高质量产品而采取的良好做法。该纪念日是以斯洛文尼亚养蜂先驱安东·扬沙的生日确定的。
World Bee Day is observed across the world on May 20. On this day, beekeeping events are held to educate the general public about the importance of bees and beekeeping. There is a special emphasis on the role of bees as pollinators and how they help to revive forest cover. Because the ...
150+ beautiful and colourful bee photos, illustrations and videos to celebrate World Bee Day. Download these royalty free bee pictures to use as wallpapers, backgrounds & more. 80 49 MabelAmber 6 1 ArjunMJ 114 22 Ralf1403 46 9 Seaq68 21 6 pixaguck 353 59 Myriams-Fotos ...
5月20日 | World Bee Day 世界蜜蜂日 点击上方“凤凰美洲”关注我们 世界蜜蜂日 全球近90%的野生开花植物物种完全或在一定程度上依赖于动物授粉,而对于全球超过75%的粮食作物和35%的农业用地来说,授粉同样重要。授粉媒介不仅直接促进粮食安全,对于保护生物多样性也至关重要。为了提高人们对于授粉媒介重要性的认识,...
World Bee Day is observed on May 20 every year | What is the significance of bees and World Bee Day? Why is it celebrated on May 20? Read on to know more and download notes PDF for UPSC 2023 preparation