The World Bank is a prestigious and rewarding place to work. It is amazing to walk through the corridors and meet so many people from around the world all working towards making the world a better place. Was this review helpful? YesNo ...
As finance increasingly moves online, the banking industry will evolve to Bank 3.0, where customers – not financial service providers – will have the upper hand in deciding what services are offered and how. New digital strategies will mean that ICT systems are no longer a supporting tool for...
It is an annual initiative by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to promote awareness on key topics through a focused campaign. The theme of Financial Literacy Week 2019 was ‘Farmers’ which focuses on how they can benefit by being a part of the formal banking system. The aim of initiative is...
and MycoBank (Robert et al.2013), the currently valid species name isOphidiomyces ophidiicola(Guarro, Deanna A. Sutton, Wickes, & Rajeev) Sigler et al.2013. The nameOphidiomyces ophiodiicolais considered an orthographic variant and refers to a name that does not follow standard rules...
B. Tanaka/The Image Bank Unreleased/Getty Images What comes to mind when you think of Tokyo’s subway? More than likely it’s the white-glovedOshiya– professional “pushers” employed to cram as many bodies as possible into already-packed metro trains. ...
B. Tanaka/The Image Bank Unreleased/Getty Images What comes to mind when you think of Tokyo’s subway? More than likely it’s the white-glovedOshiya– professional “pushers” employed to cram as many bodies as possible into already-packed metro trains. ...