Population figures for countries, regions (e.g. Asia) and the world. Data comes originally from World Bank and has been converted into standard CSV. Data The data is sourced from thisWorld Bank datasetwhich in turn lists as sources:(1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prosp...
The data is collated from https://data.worldbank.org with details on GDP, Population, Land and Military Expenditure of all the countries of the world. 数据来自https://data.worldbank.org,其中包含有关世界所有国家的GDP,人口,土地和军事支出的详细信息。
World Population History Show by 10 years 5 years 1 year main data all data YearTotalMaleFemaleGrowth rate Life expectancy Median Age Density, people/km2 19603032M1516M1514M0.79%52.5821.6523.37 19703682M1845M1835M1.70%58.5820.5228.38 19804433M2226M2205M1.67%62.8421.6034.17 ...
World Population History Show by 10 years 5 years 1 year main data all data YearTotalMaleFemaleGrowth rate Life expectancy Median Age Density, people/km2 19603032M1516M1514M0.79%52.5821.6523.37 19703682M1845M1835M1.70%58.5820.5228.38 19804433M2226M2205M1.67%62.8421.6034.17 ...
世界银行(World Bank):菲律宾银行业气候变化风险评估 热度: | Climaterisks, exposure,vulnerability andresilienceinNepal POVERTYANDEQUITY GLOBALPRACTICE P u b l i c D i s c l o s u r e A u t h o r i z e d P u b l i c
Population related statistics Overview This Data consists of some world statistics published by the World Bank since 1961 Data Variables: Agriculture and Rural development - 42 indicators published on thiswebsite. Access to electricity (% of the population) - Access to electricity is the percentage ...
Levelas on 2011 by percentpoint change, 2001 to 2011Worldbank Threshold 2019 Poor15%-14%- Low income56%6%$995 Middle income13%5%$995 - $3,895 Upper-middle income9%2%$3,896 - $12,055 High income7%1%> $12,055 autonomous vehicles ...
World Bank Dataset Terms of Use Expected update frequency Not specified Tags API_SP.POP.TOTL_DS2_en_excel_v2_887218.xls(189.44 kB) get_app fullscreen chevron_right Table Total Rows Total Columns Data 267 64 Metadata - Countries 263 5 Metadata - Indicators 1 4 Data Explorer Version 1 (18...
The World Bank, 2015. Access to electricity (% of population). World Bank. (2015a). Access to electricity (% of population). Retrieved from http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EG.ELC.ACCS.ZSAccess to electricity (% of population). The World Bank;. Available from: http://data.world...
*Population data from the World Bank. Aid data from Roodman. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn Reddit Pocket Tumblr Print Pinterest Loading... Posted in africa | Tagged Aid Conditionality, Dar es Salaam, development, Dodoma, Donor Conditionality, foreign aid, Homophobia, media freedom,...