Life expectancy & Rates (2025) Male:71.48 years Female:75.90 years Total:73.63 years Median Age:31.00 years Birth Rate:17.05 Death Rate:7.81 Growth Rate:1.18 % Fertility Rate:2.36 Population Data Graphs Total population Birth & Death rate ...
The World Bank (2016) Data: life expectancy at birth, total (years) by country [Internet]. Accessed 25 April 2016 The World Bank (2016) Data: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) by sub-Saharan Africa (developing only) [Internet...
关键词 世界预期寿命大数据网,LifeExpectancy,思维数据库 网站描述 世界预期寿命(World Life Expectancy)是一个从世界卫生组织、世界银行、联合国教科文组织、中央情报局和个别国家的全球健康和思维数据库中汇集而来的人口预期寿命数据,用户可以通过该网站了解世界人口的数据变化。得分...
** Might be the most complete and convenient World Bank database APP ** WDI (World Development Indicators) is the most authoritative global macroeconomic database launched by the World Bank, including macro indicators of economy, society, environment and other aspects of more than 260 countries, ...
GDP and Life Expectancy: China vs. United States Data from World Economics and United Nations * GDP inPurchasing Power Parityterms with added estimates for the size of theinformal economyand adjustments for out-of-dateGDP base yeardata.
** Might be the most complete and convenient World Bank database APP ** WDI (World Development Indicators) is the most authoritative global macroeconomic database launched by the World Bank, including macro indicators of economy, society, environment and other aspects of more than 260 countries, ...
该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2008,达35.400%,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-1981,为31.300%。CEIC提供的基尼系数(GINI系数):世界银行估计数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于World Bank,数据归类于全球数据库的澳大利亚 – Table AU.World Bank.WDI: Social: Poverty and Inequality。
The paper discusses the sources of the infant mortality rate (IMR) and life expectancy at birth for each of the 186 countries for which the Population and Human Resources Department at the World Bank makes demographic estimates and projections. Its purpose is to give some background on the deri...
“What we found was that high blood pressure, smoking and overweight account for five years of loss of life expectancy in men and about four years in women at the national level,” Goodarz Daneai, one of the principal researchers said. The researchers broke down the data into race, income...
** Might be the most complete and convenient World Bank database APP ** WDI (World Development Indicators) is the most authoritative global macroeconomic database launched by the World Bank, including macro indicators of economy, society, environment and other aspects of more than 260 countries, ...