The World Development Indicators (WDI)数据库是世界银行(World Bank)发布的一套全球性开放数据集,...
Indicators Countries Forecasts World Bank Indicators [+] Agriculture & Rural Development [+] Aid Effectiveness [+] Climate Change [+] Demographics [+] Development [+] Economy & Growth [+] Education [+] Energy & Mining [+] Environment [+] External Debt [+] Financial Sector ...
其中就包括世界银行(World Bank)的data bank里面的数据,比如下面这个World Development Indicators,在Cod...
World Bank annual report contains vital data indicators about many countries. Data mining techniques helps in studying the underlying relation between different indicators. This research proposes a clustering system for Egypt's World Bank indicators. The proposed system has three phases; preprocessing ...
World Bank’s Gender Data Portal Data Sources/gender,World Bank In an effort to make gender inequalities more obvious, World Bank updated their… An atlas for the world’s development indicators Statistical Visualization/atlas,development,scrollytelling,World Bank ...
World Bank (2012). World Bank development indicators, 1960 - 2011. http://data., Accessed: 18 July 2012.World Bank Development Indicators 2011. Washington, DC.Bank, World. 2012. "World Bank Development Indicators."...
Go back to the World Bank Indicators data, and find the 2013 GDP growth rates for India, Norway, and Burundi (Indicator name is "GDP growth (annual %)").What is the approximate doubling time of India if the growth rate does not change over that time? (List only numerical answers. Plea...
数据集分享的是2023年更新的最新版世界银行WDI数据库打包好的完整数据合集,数据年份为1960-2021年,包括世界各地国家和地区的一千四百多个统计指标(例如化肥消费量、服务贸易额、谷物产量、保险和金融服务额等,适合所有方向的实证分析),累计上百万的数据量。面板数据类型,数据来源于World Bank官方数据库,因我课题组和学校...
1994 - 2021 | 年 | % | World Bank 基尼系数(GINI系数):世界银行估计在12-01-2021达30.700%,相较于12-01-2020的29.800%有所增长。基尼系数(GINI系数):世界银行估计数据按年更新,12-01-1994至12-01-2021期间平均值为30.350%,共26份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2009,达...
Go to the World Bank Development Indicators data and make a graph in the graph tab for the "Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births)." Add “High income" and “Low income” country groups to the graph.Note: This is a separate indicator from the one mentioned in the lecture....