《使命召唤:战争世界》(Call of Duty: World at War)是一款由Treyarch开发的第一人称射击游戏。游戏发行商美国动视于2008年11月11日在北美地区发行游戏的PS3、Xbox 360、PC、Wii版。《使命召唤:战争世界》是使命召唤系列的第五代游戏,时间从前作的现代战争返回第二次世界大战,通过美国海军陆战队二等兵米勒和苏联...
Before you start Call Of Duty World At War PC Game Setup Free Download make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.Tested on Windows 7 64-Bit Operating System: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10 CPU: Pentium 4 @ 3 GHz/AMD 64 3200+ RAM: 1GB Setup Size: 4.8GB Hard Disk Space: 8GB...
资讯资料 switch《世界大战:诺曼底登陆(World At War Normandy)》[NSZ]美版中文,在执行任务过程中遭遇了一系列变故,最终只能在法国游击队的帮助下,在敌占区继续搜寻战友的下落。
Eliminate some of the common issues that impact your game play and unlock new maps with this Call of Duty: World at War patch. Released in 2008, Call of Duty: World at War quickly became one of the most popular first-person shooting games in the world. All the action takes place during...
使命召唤5:战争世界 Call of Duty: World at War PC免安装中文版下载。这个一代的游戏背景在第二次世界大战时期,游戏将围绕发生在太平洋战场的战役展开,让玩家体验美军与日军之间的战争场面。 新增指挥系统发布战术命令 《使命召唤5:战争世界》沿用前作的引擎来开发,也另外增添了某些特色,例如在剧情模式下有一套全...
Physical copies of the game will no longer be sold starting March 1st, with the last day to place orders being February 28th. Strategic Command WWII: World At War is your chance to re-fight the 20thcentury’s greatest conflict, from Poland to China, Normandy to the Pacific, on a map en...
《使命召唤5:战争世界》由曾开发《使命召唤3》的Treyarch负责制作,游戏的战场也回到了系列之前的第二次世界大战时期,游戏将围绕发生在太平洋战场的战役展开,让玩家体验美军与日军之间的战争场面。 游戏采用了《使命召唤5:战争世界(Call Of Duty 5 World At War)》的图像引擎,除了游戏画面表现可以得到保证,新加入的火...
World at Arms - Wage war for your nation! OverviewSystem Requirements Available on PC Description This game allows multiplayer play and is not subject to Xbox Live Family Settings. Microsoft shares User IDs and gamertags. LOCK AND LOAD! The evil KRA forces have attacked our nation, threatening...
This product includes World War Z: Aftermath Upgrade. (Base Game Required) The top 3 reasons to play World War Z: Aftermath Upgrade New Stories From a World at War The Next Generation of the Zombie Swarm Deep Progression and a New Perspective ...
Call of Duty®: World at War Experience the intensity and brutality of war like never before. Unleash the power of the flamethrower, flame tanks, and other lethal weaponry while battling through the most harrowing campaigns in the Pacific and Europe.