更多按城市、国家和地区分类的历史空气质量数据可在 IQAir 网站上找到,包括一张交互式地图,其中包含本报告中包含的 7,323 个全球城市的年度城市浓度和全球年度空气质量排名。 IQAir 旨在吸引、告知和激励政府、教育工作者、研究人员、非营利组织、公司和公民共同努力,以提高空气质量意识。 IQAir 致力于促进知情对话...
Compare real-time worldwide air quality levels with AirVisual's interactive air quality and pollution map. Learn from PM2.5 trends and our ranking of most polluted cities in the world.
今年IQAir发布的《全球空气质量报告》的信息显示,2023年只有7个国家达到了世界卫生组织建议的污染水平。 The report said the five countries with what it called the lowest air quality had particle levels at least nine times higher than what the WHO recommends. 该报告称,空气质量最差的五个国家的颗粒物...
Find out the most polluted countries in the world in 2023. Check out which country in the world had the highest level of air pollution PM2.5. Download the IQAir AirVisual world air quality report.
According to IQAir’s World Air Quality Report, only13 countries or territoriesmet the recommended concentration of PM2.5 in 2022. Among them were Australia, Finland, Puerto Rico, Iceland, Bermuda, and Guam. Above this guideline, many countries fell within the four interim targets, while nearly...
Air pollution poses a persuasive threat to global health, demonstrating widespread detrimental effects on populations worldwide. Exposure to pollutants, notably particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 µm (PM2.5), has been unequivocally linked to a s
Acknowledging the significant impact of air pollution on global health, the WHO cut the recommended annual PM2.5 concentration by half, from 10 μg/m3 down to 5 μg/m3, with the ultimate goal of preventing millions of deaths.4 IQAir’s annual World Air Quality Report aggregates and ...
Find out the most polluted cities in the world in 2023. Check out which city in the world had the highest level of air pollution PM2.5. Download the IQAir AirVisual world air quality report.
But many of the most polluted countries in the world do not meet the guidelines set by the WHO, according to IQAir, a Swiss technology company which aggregates air quality data from monitors around the world. In 2022, just 13 of the 131 countries and regions IQAir tracked had an ...
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