Annually ranking the top 50 best restaurants and bars around the world. The World's 50 Best Restaurants, is owned and run by William Reed Business Media, the same organisation behind The World's 50 Best Bars.
Annually ranking the top 50 best restaurants and bars around the world. The World's 50 Best Restaurants, is owned and run by William Reed Business Media, the same organisation behind The World's 50 Best Bars.
Annually ranking the top 50 best restaurants and bars around the world. The World's 50 Best Restaurants, is owned and run by William Reed Business Media, the same organisation behind The World's 50 Best Bars.
继2022年推出Middle East & North Africa's 50 Best Restaurants后,该地区的美食知名度继续提升,来自阿拉伯联合酋长国的一家餐厅跻身第51-100名榜单,这就是迪拜的Ossiano(也是新上榜餐厅,排名No.87)。 2023年,亚洲有三家新上榜餐厅:位于曼谷的Nusara(No.74)和Potong(No.88),以及位于新加坡的Labyrinth(No.97)。
(全球旅报2023年6月9日讯)由S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna赞助的The World's 50 Best Restaurants公布了排名第51至100位的餐厅榜单。今年是该奖项的第21个年头,扩增的排名中包括了五大洲的餐厅。获奖榜单是1080名世界美食界独立权威人士的票选结果。 51-100名的榜单包括五大洲22个地区的餐厅,其中有15家来自亚洲,...
伦敦2023年6月8日/美通社/ -- 由S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna赞助的The World's 50 Best Restaurants今天公布了排名第51至100位的餐厅榜单。年度颁奖典礼将随后于6月20日星期二在伦敦举行。今年是该奖项的第21个年头,扩增的排名中包括了五大洲的餐厅。获奖榜单是1080名世界美食界独立权威人士的票选结果,他们创建...
2024世界50最佳饭店(The World's 50 Best Hotels 2024)名单揭晓! 亚洲独占19席,曼谷「嘉佩乐酒店」问鼎全球最佳 1. Capella Bangkok 2. Passalacqua (Moltrasio, Italy) 3. Rosewood Hong Kong 4. Cheval Bla...
伦敦2023年6月1日/美通社/ -- 作为The World's 50 Best Restaurants的组织机构,50 Best今天公布了其2023年Champions of Change——为所在社区推动有意义变革并为改进餐饮行业创建蓝图的酒店餐饮业英雄。 The World’s 50 Best Restaurants announces Nora Fitzgerald Belahcen, founder of Amal, and duo Othón Nol...
You wouldn’t be far off if you guessed Italy or France as the country with more of this year’s “World’s 50 Best” restaurants than any other. But no, that distinction goes to Spain, where six restaurants earned honors this summer on the2023 list. (Italy had five and France had ...
1. Disfrutar (Barcelona, Spain):And the world's best restaurant for 2024 is... Disfrutar! This famed Barcelona eatery was one of five restaurants in Spain to make this year's World's 50 Best Restaurants list. Click on to see the rest of the top 10. ...