His disciples claimed that he had overcome all of these, becoming the greatest of hasidic masters, one to whom countless thousands, both in his lifetime and even more today, turn for blessing and healing. As his biographer, I understood that he had not truly ‘overcome’ any of this pain...
[… T]he greatest part of his small capital [got] into the hands of ingenious swindlers with a sham automobile agency. So he had an incredibly small sum a week, interest from a few railway shares which he was determined not to sell, and had been tramping about the country with a ruck...
Based on our previous investigations of the MRP and the objectives of support funding, the experiment was timed from 15 April 2019 to 30 May 2019 in the spring, when the growth of the periphytic algae is most rapid and has the greatest impact on water conveyance in the MRP. The in situ...