The agency regulates emissions from industries, vehicles, and other sources to reduce air pollution. Water Quality Protection: The EPA is involved in establishing and enforcing regulations to ensure the quality of the nation’s water bodies. This includes setting standards for drinking water, ...
Servals are found in grasslands, savannas, and wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa. They are adaptable and can live in a variety of habitats, from arid deserts to dense forests. However, their preferred habitats are areas with dense cover for stalking prey and access to water sources....
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified the species of wildebeest as the least concern on the Red List. The black wildebeest population is increasing, whereas the blue wildebeest is stable. However, as agriculture and civilization expand and water sources decline in...
Coconut crabs can grow quite large, with some individuals reaching up to 1 meter in length and weighing up to 4.1 kg. This makes them one of the largest arthropods on the planet. They grow continuously throughout their life and can live for several decades....
Bats get most of the water they need to survive from the food they eat. Although, many species also drink from sources of water like ponds, streams, and lakes. They do this by flying over the surface and dipping their tongues into the water. The diet of an insectivorous bat includes man...
Since plants don’t have enough salt for a cow, cattle will use their smell and taste to find it in other sources, like mud or salt blocks provided by farmers. Smell Typically, a cow will use its sense of smell to add extra information receive from other senses like vision or hearing...
Although usually nocturnal, the raccoon is sometimes active in daylight to take advantage of available food sources. Its diet consists of a variety of different foods and is regarded as one of the world’s most omnivorous animals. While its diet in spring and summer consists mostly of insects,...
The teacher was a relatively newly educated science teacher for the age group in question and had worked at the same school for about a year before the project started. The lesson in focus here, which dealt with light sources and shadow formation, was the first lesson out of six in the ...