Using manipulatives such as fraction strips, using number lines, or finding decimal equivalents will all have your student(s) putting fractions in the correct order in no time. We've probably said this before, but make sure that you emphasize that when comparing or ordering fractions, students...
Lines, segments and rays Comparing angles and right angles Parallel and perpendicular lines Classifying angles Measuring angles Drawing angles with a protractor Grade 4 geometry worksheets Classifying angles Classifying triangles Classifying quadrilaterals Perimeter and area of rectangles Perimeter and area of...
Front and Behind Worksheet Practice 'Front' and 'Behind' by printing this playful worksheet. Pre-K K VIEW DETAILS Angles Angles in a Shape Explore the varying number of angles present in different shapes, ranging from triangles to polygons. 2 3 VIEW DETAILS Lines, Line Segments, Ray...
Fast and easy to use Multiple-choice & free-response Never runs out of questions Multiple-version printing Free 14-Day Trial WindowsmacOS Review of Algebra Review of equations Simplifying square roots Adding and subtracting square roots Multiplying square roots ...
Place value Number Line from 1000 to 6000 (five lines on page) Number Line from 6000 to 10000 (four lines on page) Time Line from 1950 – 2030 (2 lines on page – usable as a time line showing years) Click below for more math worksheets at adjacent grade levels.Additional...
We have thousands of printable math files. Topics include free worksheets for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, measurement, time, fractions, and money.
These free printable triangle worksheets are designed to be engaging and educational, making the learning journey enjoyable for students of all ages, from preschool and kindergarten to high school geometry students. Whether you're looking for resources to reinforce basic concepts or to challenge more ...
Lines and Angles WorksheetsThis is a fantastic bundle which includes everything you need to know about the lines and angles across 29 in-depth pages. These are ready-to-use Lines and Angles worksheets that are perfect for teaching students about the lines and angles, how to recognize them, ...
These printable geometry worksheets cover lines, line segments, rays, parallel lines, intersecting lines, and perpendicular lines.
Interactive Number Line Activities:Use rounding with number lines worksheets as hands-on tools. Have your class physically mark numbers on a large classroom number line, incorporating their ordering numbers skills, and round large numbers to the nearest ten or hundred for a given number. They may...