The past progressive is used to refer to an action that was ongoing in the past (e.g., “I was sleeping”).
Practice using the past tense correctly with the exercises below. In the blank space in each sentence, fill in the correct past tense form based on the verb specified. Practice questions Answers and explanations I was ___ [cook] dinner when you called. Anna ___ ...
Premium members have access to some additional materials not available to anonymous users. If you browse around long enough, you will run into one. They are often found as parts of collections such as pixel pictures or reading exercises. ...
was is are were 11. What time --- you meet her tomorrow? won't do are will 12. What color --- his eyes? do are is does 13. --- is your favorite sport? Who Where What Why 14. It --- all day long yesterday was rained raining rained has rained 15. Who --- America?
–the be forms include am, are, is, was, were, been, being, and be (in its base form). have form –the have forms include have, has, had and having. do form –the do forms include do, did and does. children can practise the helping verbs ‘am, is, are’ worksheets to ...
‘ to be’. children can better understand the concept of linking verbs by solving the free printable linking verbs worksheets, available at byju’s. list of linking verbs is is being am am being are are being were was could be can be would be will be shall be should be might be must...
At first, I thought it was great that he trusted me. We had a secret, and the quick trips to 7-11 and going home the long way so he could finish a smoke were fun. But every night, I lay awake and heard the dry cough that he suffered from. He said it was nothing serious and...
Get FREE Advanced Excel Exercises with Solutions! Save 0 Tags: Excel Autofill Nehad Ulfat NEHAD ULFAT is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the in...
In my many years of work as a psychologist, goal-setting exercises were a recurring theme, no matter if I was working with adults or children. Defining goals andplanning the stepsis an area I love and it can bring about massive positive change for each individual. ...
Answers to algebraic equations, Practice exercises about the sum and the product of Quadratic equations., solving multiple non-linear algebraic equation with excel, explanation of math algbra, solution algebra square root. Working with equations on ti-83 plus, 9th grade practice math test, ...