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To incorporate real-life examples, you can include questions or prompts that require students to convert Roman numerals found in historical dates, clock faces, or other contexts into Arabic numbers. For instance, you can provide a Roman numeral representing a year and ask students to write the ...
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How to Fail Writing a Book In 2011, I had one of the best years of my life. That year, I wrote my first book, became a full-time writer, got my first bookpublished, became a bestselling author, and had 80,000 people read my writing. ...
Govindarajan Padmanaban, a biochemist at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, outlined details of the potato to a meeting of the Royal Society in London last year. He said: "The potato doesn't contain a pesticide gene," says Padmanaban. "It's a gene that improves nutrition, and ...
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