These assessments will test you on the following: List the three major monotheistic religions in order of number of followers Religion that uses the Torah Christian beliefs Five Pillars of Islam Definition of monotheism Skills Practiced Critical thinking- apply relevant concepts to examine information ab...
This quiz and worksheet will test you on The definition of monotheism Identifying the Qur'an The Tawheed as it relates to Islam The pillars of Islam The definition of polytheism Skills Practiced Information recall- once you've read over the lesson, test your recollection of some important inform...
For more on the religion, you can use the study lesson called History of Islam: Lesson for Kids. We've listed the following bullet points to help keep you on track: The Islamic god Allah The Five Pillars of Islam Migration known asHijrah ...
He had a farm full of different species of animals. He was the only person on Earth who prayed for rain. 2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the time it took for Noah to complete the ark? It took five centuries to complete based on research. ...