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To find the value ofxxxwe need a scale factor (which we can express as a ratio). Comparing two similar dimensions, the ratio of the width ofA\mathrm{A}Ato the width ofB\mathrm{B}Bis3:6.3:6.3:6.Simplifying this ratio, we get1:2.1:2.1:2.This means that each length in triangleB\mat...
If you want to keep the original resolution and let excel do the internal scaling but also fit within the bounds you provide, you can calculate the correct scaling factor before giving it to excel: from PIL import Image def calculate_scale(file_path, bound_size): # check the image size ...
Negative scale factors Negative scale factors produce an image on the other side of the centre of enlargement with the shape upside down. Negative scale factors in the higher GCSE only. These are an extension of positive scale factors. E.g. Triangle A has been enlarged by scale factor −3...
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Factor analysis was used to modify the sub-scale measuring the self-regulation capacity developed on the stage of tool development. The psychometric values obtained for the tool suggest that it can be aptly applied to forecast and monitor the development of the self-regulation of ...