Excel-事件(Workbook、Worksheet、Range、OnKeyOnTime)⼀、Excel事件介绍 Excel事件就是⼀个能被对象识别的操作。当某个事件发⽣后⾃动运⾏的过程称为事件过程。事件过程也是Sub过程。实践过程必须写在特定对象所在的模块中,⽽且只有过程所在的模块⾥的对象才能触发这个事件。事件过程名由Excel⾃动设置,...
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VBA code: Save a worksheet as PDF file and email it as an attachment Sub Saveaspdfandsend() Dim xSht As Worksheet Dim xFileDlg As FileDialog Dim xFolder As String Dim xYesorNo As Integer Dim xOutlookObj As Object Dim xEmailObj As Object Dim xUsedRng As Range Set xSht = ActiveShee...
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This information helps in determining the possible values that the function can take, identifying any restrictions on the input or output values, and evaluating the behavior of the function across different ranges of input values. By analyzing the domain and range, one can gain insights into the ...
sine function domain and range as we know, the sine function is defined for all real numbers, so the domain of y = sin x is the set of all real numbers, i.e. r. the range of sine function is the closed interval [-1, 1]. that means, -1 ≤ y ≤ 1 or -1 ≤ sin x ≤ ...
These worksheets are carefully crafted to provide a wide range of topics and activities that will help you develop your reading skills and boost your vocabulary. From simple comprehension passages to interactive exercises, our worksheets will keep you engaged and motivated as you embark on your ...
Saves Time:By using pre-made game worksheets and board game templates, teachers can save time that would otherwise be spent creating their own games and activities from scratch. Covers Different Topics:Game worksheets can be created for a wide range of topics and subjects, making them a flexible...
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I wanted to point at the exception so i pasted the code till the required sequence. I also changed in code as Worksheet[1] instead of Worksheet[0] and had the data in Sheet[2] in the excel sheet. It worked. I could not understand that. I am using the latest EPPlus installed.中文...