Hindi EVS (Environmental Sciences) 2. How will downloading Vedantu’s worksheets for LKG help me? Ans.DownloadingVedantu’s worksheets for LKGwill ensure the proper implementation of the knowledge and information gathered from textbooks and class lessons. Practising these worksheets will help students b...
Spanish is One of the Biggest Languages in the World Spanish is a Roman language that was established from the Latin language. Spanish in on the top five most spoken languages in the world, along with English, Mandarin, Hindi, and French. So, it is not odd that many schools include Spani...
=OFFSET($B$2,0,0,COUNT($B$2:$B$200),1) Click OK. Clear cell B2, and then type the following formula: =RAND()*0+10 Note In this formula, COUNT is used for a column of numbers. COUNTA is used for a column of text values. This formula uses the volatile RAND function. This...
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Accessing HTML Elements for editing with VB.NET code Accessing Javascript variable in Label control accessing panel control of one form in another form Accessing Response.Write() created HTML Controls in Code Behind Accessing Server.Mappath() in a static class. Accessing Session variables from C# cl...
Comma Style to Unicode Hindi/Marathi Numbers in Excel Common issues of shared workbook Comparing cells against entire columns COMPLETELY Disable Protected View in Excel 2010 CONCATENATE with "partial" HYPERLINK... Conditional breakpoint in Excel VBA? Conditional Formatting - change color for matching c...
1. Insert a Slicer- Right Click and click Size and Properties: 2. Under Format Slicer- Properties- uncheck locked option: 3. Protected the WorkSheet- check Use Auto Filter option: Now you can use Slicer to Filter and Clear filter in WorkSheet: ...