How to find the empirical formula from a given composition of compounds All the elements needed in finding an empirical compound Finding the percent composition of an empirical compound What the empirical compound shows The contrasts with a chemical formula Skills Practiced Th...
Problem solving- use what you know about finding the enthalpy of a compound to solve problems for the correct answer Additional Learning If you still want to review more, you can find more extensive information in the lesson titled Analyzing the Results of Calorimetry Experiments. This lesson prov...
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Example 4: finding a small value using the nth term Calculate the 10th10th10th triangular number. Substitute the position of the term (nnn) into the nthnthnth term. Show step Complete the calculation. Show step Example 5: triangular numbers – large value using the nth term Calculate the ... Perimeter Game from A simple online quiz for finding the perimeter of rectangles, triangles, or compound rectangles where not all side lengths are given. FunBrain: Shape Surveyor...
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