PresentSimpleorPresentContinuous IteachEnglish.IamteachingEnglish.Thisismyjob.ThisiswhatIamdoingatthemoment.IamteachingyouEnglish.Let’scontinuewithsomemoreexamples...TheyliveintheUSA.Iamstudyingfortheexamsthesedays.What’sthedifference?TheyliveintheUSA.meansthattheyliveintheUSAallthetime.Itisapermanentstate...
present continuous Other interesting language articles Frequently asked questions about the simple present tense How to use the simple present The simple present is used to refer to habits, unchanging situations or states, general truths, and scheduled events in the future. Most verbs in the simple...
Worksheet: Simple Present or Present Continuous? Level:intermediate Age:12-17 Downloads:3154 Simple Present or Present Continuous Level:intermediate Age:10-17 Downloads:2434 Level:elementary Age:9-17 Downloads:2131 Level:elementary Age:10-17 ...
Grammar exercises that allow students to practise the use of Present Continuous (Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative Forms) and also to differentiate it from Simple Present. (2 pages)
Simple Present Tense | Examples, Use & Worksheet The simple present tense is a verb form used to talk about habits, states, facts, and scheduled future events (e.g., the bus leaves at 2). 252 Present Continuous Tense | Examples & Exercises The present continuous tense is formed by comb...
The purpose of Adult ESL Present Continuous Worksheets is to help adult English language learners practice using the present continuous tense in both written and spoken form, allowing them to communicate about ongoing actions and situations in the present. These worksheets typically include exercises to...
Here we will learn about bar charts, including constructing and interpreting bar charts, comparative bar charts and compound bar charts. There is also a bar chart worksheet based on Edexcel, AQA and OCR exam questions, along with further guidance on where to go next if you’re still stuck.Wh...
9th grade algebra practice, does a 6th grader need to do trigonometry, calculate LCM with examples, how to find the LCM of monomials, sample sixth grade maths and enlglish, all about the math slope, algebra invented. Permutation and combinations GMAT, primary school; arithmatic; free books, ...
Learn more about this mathematical subject with the help of the lesson titled Discontinuities in Functions and Graphs. The lesson will discuss the following: Distinguishing discontinuous and continuous functions Exploring point discontinuities and their examples ...
‘play’, i.e. present continuous tense. it’s important for students to understand the concept of helping verbs as it will help them to strengthen their concept of basic grammar rules. helping verbs can be categorised into two types, mainly the primary helping verbs and the modal helping ...