We published an update on an already published iOS app and one non-consummable IAP we added was approved, works fine in testflight, but not in release. Details below: We are working on an app that is a game developed in Unity. We already integrated consummable in-app purchases before and...
appworks.js is a javascript (TypeScript) library for building feature rich, hybrid enterprise apps. The OpenText AppWorks platform provides mobile and desktop clients that support apps that utilize appworks.js. In a mobile environment the library provides access to on-device technology, and in th...
* You’re all set to send an application. * On the home screen, we’ll show you job posts that we see you fit for * To find out more about a post, click on it: the card will turn * If you like the job: Swipe right! To finalize the application, click on the giant green but...
You can use Mela for Free and you may purchase an auto-renewing PRO subscription through an In-App Purchase. The PRO subscription allows you to have unlimited data, share your templates with your team and personalise your exports. The PRO version is: ...
MS Works is the gateway to services from Mississippi Works and the Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES) on your mobile or tablet device. This intuitive, native app provides a convenient way to search for and apply for jobs, register with MDES without leaving the application, build...
%O Pretty-print an Object on multiple lines. %o Pretty-print an Object all on a single line. %s String. %d Number (both integer and float). %j JSON. Replaced with the string '[Circular]' if the argument contains circular references. %% Single percent sign ('%'). This does not consum...
The Host must install the WhenWorks app on an iOS device running iOS 11 or greater. • Guest - a user who visits the WhenWorks website to book appointments with a Host. Guests do not need the WhenWorks app. All a Guest needs is a web browser. WHAT CALENDAR SERVICES ARE SUPPORTED?
Access the camera or microphone on an iOS device (an iMessage app, unlike other app extensions, does have access to these resources, as long as it correctly configures the NSCameraUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription Info.plist keys) Perform long-running background tasks The speci...
Provisioning agent: The Microsoft Entra Connect cloud provisioning agent is the same agent as Workday inbound and built on the same server-side technology as app proxy and Pass Through Authentication. It requires an outbound connection only and agents are autoupdated. ...
An example is as follows: com.huawei.appmultiplierdemo.MainActivity.java. importandroid.content.Intent;importandroid.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;importandroid.os.Bundle;importandroid.view.View;publicclassMainActivityextendsAppCompatActivity{@OverrideprotectedvoidonCreate(BundlesavedInstanceState){super.on...