The Way of the Wesleys: A Short Introduction by John R. Tyson (review) His focus is on providing a concise explication of the Wesleys' theology. In fourteen chapters, Tyson covers the topics of the Bible, sin, the new birth, holiness, grace, the Holy Spirit, Christ, Christian perfection...
© 2008 Council of Societies for the Study of Religion, Inc. Issue Religious Studies Review Volume 34, Issue 2, pages 57–62, June 2008Additional Information How to Cite Werntz, M. (2008), Signs and Wonders: Investigations of the Nature and Works of the Holy Spirit. Religious Studies ...
That person with a disability, filled with the Holy Spirit and having gifts given by Jesus is infinitely more capable of serving the church than someone with great intellect, financial resources or fame who is not of God. Three times in 1 Corinthians 1 God states who he chooses to act for...
of God were heard in a multitude of languages. Moreover, he points out that the church has reserved little room to pray for revival and a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit with power. He implicates this rejection as the main reason for the weaknesses of the church in the modern day, ...
How the Holy Spirit Works in UsONCE an archbishop was discussing Christianity with a learned Japanese writer. The writer told...Manila Bulletin
The Work of the Holy Spirit 26 “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. Read full chapter Footnotes John 15:25 Psalms 35:19; 69:4 Young...
图书The Scripture Doctrine of the Proper Divinity, Real Personality, and the External and Extraordinary Works of the Holy Spirit, Stated and Defended; In 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
I was also pretty sure that I myself was clearly not someone worthy of any “special treatment” like love or protection. But what the Holy Spirit did for me (as you read in Chapter 9) was to convince me I was wrong. After all, I already knew that there were things about me, ...
His Spirit fills my deepest needs— My soul can only dare to hope My one desire is to seek His will. Words of hope, words of peace— A harmony of words to impart Deep desires to learn His will. His Spirit knows my every need, ...
It does many things of that kind. I warn you now as I did before. People who live like that will not receive God’s kingdom. 22 But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful 23 and gentle and having ...