Works CitedAdell, Sandra. 1994.Double Consciousness/Double Bind: Theoretical Issues in Twenti-eth-Century Black Literature. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.Adorno, Theodor W. 1956. “Satzzeichen.”Akzente6: 569–575.Adorno, Theodor W. 1984 [1958]. “The Essay as Form.” Tran...
书籍的参考文献格式Only one of the following MLA works cited entries is handled correctly. Select the correct answer.The student has quoted from page 580 of The American Promise: A History of the United States, 2nd compact edition, written by James L. Roark, Michael P. Johnson, Patricia ...
2014-08-18上传 Works Cited:引用文献引用,文献,Works,works,cited,引用文献,Cited,文献引用, 引用,work 文档格式: .docx 文档大小: 33.44K 文档页数: 8页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 论文--毕业论文 文档标签: ...
MLA_Format_for_Works_CitedMLA Format for Works Cited 1 Book by one author BASIC FORM: (注:以下黑色字体均为格式要求) Author’s Surname, First Name,Title of Work. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. EXAMPLE:(注:以下红色字体均为例证) Creel, Margaret Washington.A Peculiar ...
Updated 5/8/2007• Works cited should be listed in alphabetical order based on the first letter of each citation. • If the citation is longer than one line, all lines after the first should be indented (this is called a hanging indent). • Citations are double-spaced. • When ...
Works Cited is sometimes referred to as References. The terms mean the same thing. Each is an alphabetical list of works cited, or works to which you have made reference. Works Cited is generally used when citing sources using MLA (Modern Language Association) style, while the title References...
MLA Format for Works Cited MLA Format for Works Cited 1 Book by one author BASIC FORM: (注:以下黑色字体均为格式要求)Author’s Surname, First Name, Title of Work. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.EXAMPLE: (注:以下红色字体均为例证)Creel, Margaret Washington. A Peculiar...
Works Cited 257Lowry, Brian. “From the Archives: The Saga of O.J. Simpson’s Lost ‘Frogmen’ Pilot.”LosAngelesTimes.8 May2000.Web.1 August2019.<>.Kaelin,Kato.“Op-Ed: Kato Kaelin,20 Years Later,...
catditailanworksbayscitedmissionary KUFacultyPublishedWorksonChina Addiss,Stephen,etal.TheResonanceoftheQininEastAsianArt.NewYork:ChinaInstituteGallery,ChinaInstitute:DistributedbyArtMediaResources,1999. Addiss,Stephen,etal.TheCenturyofTungCh’i-ch’ang,1555-1636:TheNelson-AtkinsMuseumofArt,April19-June14,19...
This study aimed to identify and analyze the characteristics of the top-cited articles published in the Science Citation Index Expanded from 1991 to 2010. Articles that have been cited more than 1,000 times since publication to 2010 were assessed regarding their distribution in indexed journals and...