We offer workplace violence prevention training, empowering organizations with strategies for safety, conflict resolution, & crisis management.
A thorough background check of employees at the time of hiring is a good start of workplace violence prevention. You can authenticate their educational qualifications, comb through their social media activities, and examine their past employment. All this will reveal whether a new hire has a viol...
AVADE® Workplace Violence Prevention Training offers education, prevention, & mitigation in dealing with violence in the workplace.
“And it isn’t just a one-time exercise for employers,” Saad reminds listeners. “The workplace violence prevention plan must be updated, and employees must be trained on an annual basis, and this doesn’t include any additional training that may be required due to changes in the...
AVADE® Workplace Violence Prevention Training offers education, prevention, & mitigation in dealing with violence in the workplace.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2020b) has identified four types of workplace violence. These include: Type 1: Violence by a stranger with criminal intent Type 2: Violence by a customer or client Type 3: Violence by a coworker (worker on worker) Type 4: Violence by...
o The nature and extent of risk associated with the anticipated violenceo Ways to recognize potentially violent situationso Appropriate responses to avoid and/or de-escalate incidents of violence o The procedure for reporting violent behaviouro The procedure for documenting and investigating violence ...
Workplace Violence, Workplace Violence Prevention Webinars & Semianrs to promote HR Training and Development by HR Learning Center. Offering HR Webinar and HR Seminars, Onsite Employment Law Training.
In need of customizable, effective workplace violence prevention and de-Escalation training programs? We can help! Contact Us Today. (833.630.0300)
With the unfortunate trend of increased workplace violence, employers across the country can expect further legislative initiatives requiring employers to address the issue. As New York is following in the footsteps ofCaliforniawith its own dedicated workplace violence prevention law, empl...