Workplace violence (WPV) is a prevalent phenomenon, especially in the healthcare setting. WPV against healthcare workers (HCWs) has increased during the COVID-19 epidemic. This meta-analysis determined the prevalence and risk factors of WPV. A database search was conducted across six databases ...
Workplace violence and safety CE course for nursing and other healthcare providers; includes dealing with bullying and harassment. Instant certificate of completion.
Workplace violence in the healthcare sector has become a global issue that poses a threat to the safety and well-being of healthcare staff. This study aims to understand and analyze workplace violence experienced by public healthcare workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.#This is an observational anal...
Maryland's Healthcare Industry...3 III. Workplace Violence in the Healthcare Setting...4 IV. The High Costs of Workplace Violence in Healthcare...6 V. Current Law & Its Inadequacies ...8 VI. Solution: The Safe Care Act...8 VII. Conclusion......
www.osha.govGuidelines for Preventing WorkplaceViolence for Health Care &Social Service WorkersOSHA 3148-01R 2004 This informational booklet provides a general overview of a particular topic related to OSHA standards. It does not alteror determine compliance responsibilities inOSHA standards or the...
Health care facilities were once thought of as "safe havens", but are now plagued with significant increases in aggression among patients, visitors, and staff. Healthcare workers suffer from a tolerance of workplace violence and the perception that their profession implies the acceptance of that ...
Incidents of workplace violence have been of significant concern to health care employers and the public at large. Many employers now find themselves confronted with sentinel events in the workplace, such as assault; property damage; racially, ethnically, or religiously motivated violence; sexual assa...
To address the ongoing and growing threat of workplace violence in healthcare facilities, The Joint Commission is offering an array of resources designed to help managers prevent, detect and respond to incidents of workplace violence. The page provides links to materials developed by The Joint...
Workplace violence (WPV) against healthcare workers (HCW) is a globally growing problem in healthcare systems. Despite decades of research and interventions violent incidents are rising in their severity and frequency. A structured review of PubMed and Scopus databases and supplementary internet search...
I read with interest the article by Christopher Fernandes and colleagues on violence in the emergency department.[1][1] Violence in the workplace has previously been discussed in CMAJ [[2][2], [3][3]] and violence in the health care setting was the subject of another recent report.[4]...