Safety is no accident. Every worker has the right to a safe working environment. Every worker has the right to be properly trained. Every worker has the right to refuse unsafe work. It is everyone's responsibility to ensure that all work tasks meet minimum safety requirements. If you want ...
Office safety and employee safety is imperative. There must be considerable attention and focus to ensure the optimum safety at the workplace.
Ensuring that workplace safety talks are interactive and relevant with day-to-day examples will make them engaging and effective. Some of the most memorable safety talks are short, focused, and relevant so that workers can easily apply the advice immediately and recall it in the long term. Int...
Workplace Safety Training Programs Online. Join the 1,000s of organizations rapidly shifting to online training. It's safer, smarter, and more efficient.
Workplace safety is a prominent concern, motivating researchers across diverse disciplines to investigate valuable ways to address its challenges. However, creating an efficient system to address this issue remains a significant challenge. Since many accidents happen due to improper usage or complete remo...
A comprehensive online resource for safety professionals and decision makers. Let’s make workplaces safer!
Workplace safety improvingWork-related injuries (Reports)Workers (Death of)Riskmanagementsocietypublishing Inc
"My dedication to creating a safe workplace free of all injuries will be absolute and clear through my actions.” GGB EMPLOYEE PLEDGE Our world-class manufacturing facilities are certified toISO 45001(OHSAS 18001), the international standard for occupational health and safety system—ensuring customer...
The rules covered include: Cell Phone Rules, Email Rules, Laptop and Tablet Rules, Internet Use, Internet Safety, Video Conferencing Rules, Social Media Job Keeping Series Job Keeping Series is a three part series on job keeping. This credentialing system includes practical tips on how to ...
Dehghan P, Arjmand N, (2022),“The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Weight Generates Different Spine Loads in Load-Handling Activity Performed Using Stoop, Semi-squat and Full-Squat Techniques; a Full-Body Musculoskeletal Model Study”. Hum. Factors, pp. ...