Health and Safety Crane eLearning View all COURSESView all COURSES Train With Us Vertical Horizonz New Zealand (VHNZ) has over 26 years’ experience in providing NZQA accredited safety training. Throughout VHNZ, there is a profound dedication to developing world-class safety training that is enga...
HEALTH AND SAFETY : The Unlikely Addicts; It Can Happen in Any Family A[euro]" and in Any Workplace. Abuse of Drugs and Alcohol Leads to Accidents, Poor Performance, Lost Productivity and Dysfunction within Teams. We Talk to the Experts, the Victims and Those whoa[euro][TM]ve Dealt ...
A key finding is that, while health and safety is on the radar for boards and management, performance against some measures has stalled and in some cases is getting worse and that “the agenda is not driving the necessary change towards positive outcomes”. The thrust of the report’s recomm...
the adoption of technology in the Ghanaian public sector has brought both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, it has the potential to streamline processes, reduce bureaucracy, and improve service delivery. On the other hand, this digital transformation necessitates a workforce that is not onl...
Pania Karnaki and Athena Linos Introduction In the European labor market, women today constitute an increasing part of the working population, equaling about 42 percent of the European workforce (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work 2003a) as a result of their dynamic entrance in the ...