Lea Herzberg, Isabelle Hughes, Sophie LaRoche, Michelle Lee, Jillian Mazon, Bevan Pearson, Jenna Scalmanini, Katie Shi, Julia Sun, Lynn Takeshita, Alice Tang, Erica Tashma, and Kinsey Yost for their immense contributions to this report. ...
The culture of academe and academics has been characterized as hostile and cruel with campuses described as “rife” with bullying. In this chapter, extant global research on bullying in academe is reviewed to assess the validity of these characterizatio
Health and Social Care Unit, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC 3004, Australia 2 School of Health Sciences, College of Health and Medicine, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS 7250, Australia ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Article Workplace Healthy Lifestyle Determinants and Wellbeing Needs across the Preconception and Pregnancy Periods: A Qualitative Study Informed by the COM-B Model Seonad K. Madden 1 , Claire A. Blewitt 2 , Kiran D. K. Ahuja 1,...
businesses dealt with an increasingly anxious public during the COVID-19 pandemic and were frequently tasked with enforcing various COVID-19 prevention policies such as mask mandates, workplace violence and harassment (WPV) emerged as an increasing important issue affecting worker safety and health. ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Article Implementation of the Healthy Workplace Participatory Program in a Retail Setting: A Feasibility Study and Framework for Evaluation Jaime R. Strickland * , Anna M. Kinghorn, Bradley A. Evanoff and Ann Marie Dale Division of ...
However, the AEC depended on the nuclear industry to produce data for them and to regulate themselves [46,47]. To address the inherent conflict of both promoting and regulating the nuclear industry, the 1974 Energy Reorganization Act split the AEC into the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ...
home due to the many abrupt changes to daily schedules and commutes that occurred, primarily in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, because employers and organizations were constantly promoting this pattern to stop the spread of infections and ensure the health and safety of workers [2]...