This briefing paper is intended to provide a general summary of the law in this area. It is not intended to, nor should it be, relied upon as legal advice. Australian Model Workplace Health and Safety Laws Commonwealth Briefing paper – 2013 edition Australian Model Workplace Health and Safet...
to the passage of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (WR Act), which establishes a safety [...] 在其後100年,最低工資制度經歷了許多改變,首先是由推行兩 級工資制度改為訂立一個工資總金額,然後是通過《1996年勞資關係法》(Workplace Relations Ac t 1996)(下稱"《勞資關係法》")...
compliance is mandatory. The requirements, set forth inSB 553, are detailed and complex, establishing rules for planning, logging, and record-keeping, as well as worker training, which will all be overseen and enforced by the California Occupational Safety and Health Act (“Cal/...
Subscribe In late April, New York State legislators passed a bill that can best be described as a “game changer.” Known as the Health and Essential Rights – or HERO – Act, the bill proposes a novel, sweeping overhaul of the Empire State’s workplace health and...
Kenyan salary attractive, in which event, UNODC would reimburse the $1,400 per month for each magistrate to the Government; or (b) recruitment from Commonwealth or common law countries where candidates may not find the Kenyan salary attractive, in which case, the most workable [...] d...
A national mental health services policy: report of the consultancy to advise Commonwealth, State and Territory health ministers Researchers and practitioners of industrial ergonomics--most from the US--contribute 135 papers relating to the creation of productive, comfortable, and sa... CO Australia ...
The general duty clause of the Occupations Health and Safety Act requires employers to "take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of the worker." Enough research demonstrates negative effects of synthetic fragrance, that employers can no longer deny knowledge of what ...
There must also be protective, rescue and first aid equipment available at a workplace to avoid health risks. 工作场所还必须配 备保护、抢救和急救设备,以避免健康 风险。 daccess-ods.un.orgThe new voluntary framework for gender equality reporting, “Think, Act, Report”,...