This article provides COVID-19 office guidelines for employees, office protocols for COVID-19 and office reopening guidelines. Also included are policies and procedures that can help maintain a healthy working environment, and the technology solutions that can reduce risk while maintaining the highest...
The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped how we work together. From telecommuting to virtual programming, architects and designers are rethinking traditional office structures to reimagine collaboration around the world. For architect Evelyn Lee, her work as the first Senior Experience Designer at Slack Tec...
As we begin to emerge from theCOVID-19pandemic, there has been much speculation and debate about whether we will return to our old habits of working in the office 5 days a week, or if working from home creates equal or greater productivity. However, many believe that the future of the ...
With the announcement of the new ten optimized measures against the Covid-19 released weeks ago, while the European business community is much encouraged by the ease of the control measures, we also see the need to pre...
One of the ways to manage queues effectively in the light of COVID-19 is to allow customers to queue up digitally and leave their contacts. This way, they can wait in the safety of their homes or cars. For instance, Qminder offersVisit Planner— a special webpage that allows to sign ...
The post-COVID workplace must take these elements into consideration to ensure that there is constant movement of air in and out of the building.Designers are inventing other solutions that allow workers to maintain social distancing guidelines even after they return to work.Architecture design and...
About two-thirds of healthcare workers who reported a specific type of on-the-job exposure said they'd come into contact with patients or other healthcare workers who had COVID-19, according to the study. A healthcare worker takes a blood sample from a woman at a New York State Departme...
British Council for Offices – Briefing Note Affordable workspacesCOVID-19 Commercial Leasing01 March 2021 Spotlight: Landlord Flex Survey Commercial landlordsCommercial leasing Next Related Services Consultancy Flexible Managed Workspace The Savills PIVOT team offers a fully integrated service dedicated to hel...
Prior to COVID-19, we were already championing an effort to be more open, transparent, and collaborative, as many companies were moving their employees from traditional office settings into more contemporary environments optimized for teams. Teams were already becoming more collaborative, and the ...
and tracking and managing high-risk employees. We even continue to promote various health promotion measures despite disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. With “prevention of metabolic syndrome” as our primary target in 2022, we rolled out the “iHealth Program,” an intelligent gym tha...