We offer anti-harassment training programs to create a secure and safe workplace for employees in California & All Over the USA
Providing training as a result of a discrimination consent decree. Additional services Anti-harassment Training Interviewing and Hiring Practices Handling Employee Complaints Documentation Conducting Terminations Disability and Leave Issues Coaching and Counseling ...
Our interactive trainings, depending on content and intended audience, are available in-person, by video-conferencing, and/or web-based. For more information on logistics and pricing, please e-mail us. Anti-Harassment/Abusive Conduct Prevention Training We challenge often-mistaken ideas about ...
Anti-terror training fraud exposed by CNN’s Anderson September 23, 2014 1 Our country wastes $millions on people who claim to be anti-terror experts who have never been vetted. CNN’s Anderson exposes anti-terror training fraud. [h2]Part 1[/h2] [h2]Part 2[/h2] Tagged: anti-terrorism...
While we realize this option is not always financially viable if your workforce is spread out across the country, if logistically it is possible, providing “live” or even “Skype” harassment training versus a video is best for several reasons. First, even with “quiz questions” to make su...
Video Quiz Course 1.9K views Building a Bullying Policy Your workplace likely has a variety of policies on the books to protect both the business and the employees; so, why not include an anti-bullying policy as well? Creating a policy for how a company will investigate, deal with,...
Workplace bullying and harassment are prevalent societal problems, making laws to prohibit them vital. However, several shortcomings in workplace anti-bullying law are apparent. Currently, only workers covered by the Labour Standards Act are protected, and victims are only protected once workplace ...
With approaching 50 years of experience in human resources and management, and an internationally recognized expert in the field of workplace bullying and harassment Allan provides training and consultancy services to organizations and individuals in the area of workplace bullying, harassment, and discrim...
Harassment or toleration of harassment based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or age Retaliation for supporting another employee’s right to protection against discrimination Employment decisions based on stereotypes or assumptions about the ability of the applicant...
This is where diversity training comes in; an employee training program designed to create an environment free from unconscious bias, racial biases, and sexual harassment — all of which are very bad news for business. Free eBook: How to apply DEI to your employee experience program What is di...