Furthermore, a risk assessment can stop issues before they start, relieving the stress of creating corrective action plans. Beforecorrective actions are taken by your manager, use Case IQ’s freerisk matrix templateto identify gaps and threats in your workplace to reduce incidents. Frequently Asked...
A. Rae, Tales of disaster: the role of accident storytelling in safety teaching. Cogn. Technol. Work 18, 1–10 (2016) Article Google Scholar J. Reason, Human error: models and management. Br. Med. J. 20(7237), 768–770 (2000) Article Google Scholar M.P. Thompson, D.G. MacGreg...
Hybrid in its current form is a great start and research makes it clear that hybrid is not going away despite the desires of stale, grey, pale, males who lead companies. But is this current state really the template for the future? Shouldn’t our future begin with an investigation of the...
Myth #1: Drivers can multitask. The Truth: The human brain can’t do two things at once. What happens is that the brain switches from one task to the other. While the brain can do it quickly, it still slows reaction time and can take your eyes off the road. Have you ever tried t...
Workplace stress can lead to poor health, lower productivity and increased accident and sickness absence rates if not properly managed. It can cause a range of mental and physical ill health conditions or trigger pre-existing conditions, including depression and anxiety, back and shoulder problems,...
A. Rae, Tales of disaster: the role of accident storytelling in safety teaching. Cogn. Technol. Work 18, 1–10 (2016) 14. J. Reason, Human error: models and management. Br. Med. J. 20(7237), 768–770 (2000) 15. M.P. Thompson, D.G. MacGregor, C.J. Dunn, D.E. Calkin, ...