Workouts++出自独立开发者 David Smith 之手,同门的「两个 + 系列」还有:Pedometer++、Activity++、Sleep++。早在一年前,刚处于 1.0 版本 Workout++ 就因为其可定制化的特性赢得了不少好评,这一次的 2.0 版本的大更新几乎可以让 Workouts++ 成为 Apple Watch 上傲视群雄的训练类 App。定制只属于你的运动...
相比于听音乐,我更希望在运动的时候听播客,目前为止,Workouts++ 可能算是把锻炼和听播客结合得最完美的 App 了。 在iPhone 中通过搜索的方式添加你喜欢的播客之后,你就可以在「All」中看到所有的播客,点击你想要 Episode 之后它就会自动下载并通过蓝牙的方式传输至你的 Apple Watch 上。如果你的 Watch 是 Series ...
相比于听音乐,我更希望在运动的时候听播客,目前为止,Workouts++ 可能算是把锻炼和听播客结合得最完美的 App 了。 在iPhone 中通过搜索的方式添加你喜欢的播客之后,你就可以在「All」中看到所有的播客,点击你想要 Episode 之后它就会自动下载并通过蓝牙的方式传输至你的 Apple Watch 上。如果你的 Watch 是 Series ...
專為Apple Watch 設計的介面能將所有詳細資訊呈現在錶面上。你可以查看熱量消耗表,或預覽每項訓練的組數、次數和重量。 想鍛鍊或伸展你的三頭肌嗎?當你著手建立個人化訓練時,你會發現 App 裡有近 50 種針對該肌群的動作,例如板凳撐體和高位拉伸,且畫面中還會顯示人體部位分區動畫,示範正確動作。
Suggestion for Apple Watch team, can you please add (real) Hockey to the list of workouts. Most of the world call Hockey, what North American's refer to as Field Hockey. The Apple Watch workouts lists Ice Hockey as Hockey. Can you please create a custom workout for actual Hockey, ...
Hello Gena_D, I do but this is my 4th Apple watch and none of the others are affected by my tattoos. I have them on both wrists. Thank you. Reply of 1 Apple Watch 7 Pausing on Workouts Welcome to Apple Support Community A
The Freeletics app for Apple Watch is your go-to tool to get the most out of your workouts. It’s easy to install, easy to use, and packs a serious punch.
Terms of Service: * All payments will be paid through your iTunes account and may be managed under Account Settings after the initial payment. Subscription payments will automatically renew unless deactivated at least 24 hours before the end of the curren...
And as you exercise, the app’s AI-powered Smart Trainer leverages routines created by personal trainers and machine-learning models to modify your exercises so you don’t plateau. With its robust fitness reports, all designed to be displayed elegantly on Apple Watch,SmartGymalso celebrated our ...
I have been working on some more workouts and will begin posting them throughout the autumn. Stay tuned; I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have! Apple WatchApple Fitness