In this code example, we create two strings and assign them to$aand$bvariables. We print them with theechokeyword. The first string is created with the double quote delimiters, the second one with single quotes. PHP string heredoc The heredoc preserves the line breaks and other whitespace (...
Yii 包含了一个建立在 PHP PDO 之上的数据访问层 (DAO)。DAO为不同的数据库提供了一套统一的API。其中 ActiveRecord 提供了数据库与模型(MVC 中的 M,Model) 的交互,QueryBuilder 用于创建动态的查询语句。 DAO提供了简单高效的SQL查询,可以用在与数据库交互的各个地方....
示例#1 Working with XML namespaces <?php $xw=xmlwriter_open_memory(); xmlwriter_set_indent($xw,1); $res=xmlwriter_set_indent_string($xw,' '); xmlwriter_start_document($xw,'1.0','UTF-8'); // A first element xmlwriter_start_element_ns($xw,'prefix','books','uri'); xmlwriter_start...
Thejson_encodefunction returns the JSON representation of the given value. Thejson_decodetakes a JSON encoded string and converts it into a PHP variable. PHP frameworks such as Symfony and Laravel have built-in methods that work with JSON. PHP JSON encode In the following example, we use the...
摘要: Chapter 8 describes the syntax of PHP and shows how to perform calculations and work with text-based files. The chapter returns to the problem defined in Chap. 7 and provides a complete PHP-based... DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-449-4_8 被引量: 2 年份: 2011 收藏...
<xsd:element name="lastName" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:schema> The following is an instance letter document. It contains the three letter properties; date, firstName and lastName, and has unstructured text elements for the address and let...
Internally, the PHP interpreter treats arrays with numeric keys and arrays with string keys (and arrays with a mix of numeric and string keys) identically. Because of the resemblance to features in other programming languages, programmers often refer to arrays with only numeric keys as “numeric,...
Working with Oracle types like VARCHAR2 is fine, but what if you need to be able to store more than its 4,000-byte limit in one go? For this task, you need one of Oracle's Long Object (LOB) types, which in turn requires that you learn how to use the PHP API for working with...
<?php namespace app\models; use Yii; use yii\base\Model; class EntryForm extends Model { public $name; public $email; public function rules() { return [ [['name', 'email'], 'required'], ['email', 'email'], ]; } } 该类继承自Yii 提供的一个基类 yii\base\Model,该基类通常用来...
Chapter 2 introduces the syntax of PHP and shows how to perform calculations. The chapter returns to the problem defined in Chapter 1 and provides a complete PHP-based solution.doi:10.1007/978-1-84800-237-1_2David R. BrooksInstitute for Earth Sciences Research and EducationSpringer LondonGuide ...