instance. The video’s timeline plays independently from a Animate timeline, and you can place the content inside a movie clip to control timelines. You do not have to extend your main Timeline by many frames to accommodate for the video, which can make working with your FLA file difficult....
Adobe RoboHelp - Working With iFrames - You can insert inline frames (iframes) to show PDFs or URLs within a HTML page. To insert an iframe, open a topic in the Design Editor and place the cursor where you wish to insert the iframe. From the HTML section
Working with offline clips Creating clips for offline editing Relinking offline media If you selected more than one offline clip, the Link Media To dialog box appears in turn for each clip you selected. The title bar of the dialog box gives the filename for each offline clip. Relink the cor...
Chapter 3. Working with Text and Text Frames In This Chapter Understanding text and frames in a publication Adding and importing text Exploring text frame options Changing paragraph settings Editing with text editors and spell checking Working with tables Creating and editing text on a path Most of...
(slow phase alternating line ). When you enable slow PAL, instead of duplicating frames to increase the frame rate, MediaConvert relabels the video frames as 25 fps and resamples your audio to keep it synchronized with the video. Slow PAL frame rate conversion slightly reduces the duration of...
Starting with 2021.2,*Iconsclass is not required to be located iniconspackage but can use plugin's package:icons.MyIcons→com.example.plugin.MyIcons. To reference an icon by path, provide the path relative to the resources directory, e.g., for icons located inmy-plugin/src/main/resources/ic...
if (doc3.frames.length > 0 ) return CheckForValue(doc3, id, ref bFoundRightFrame); } return doc; } Ok so between those methods we can find the doc’s that got something in it. Now we need to add some new bits to help us deal with this. ...
Since the resulting object is a list oftibbles, you can easily work with individual data frames: names(cpu)#> [1] "AVERAGE60" "AVERAGE300" "MIN300" "MAX300" "AVERAGE3600"#> [6] "MIN3600" "MAX3600" "AVERAGE86400" "MIN86400" "MAX86400"cpu[[1]]#> # A tibble: 43,199 × 9#>...
The URL diagnostics group is specifically orientated towards the separate recording of dynamic objects within pages (such as portlets and frames). Instead of reporting the literal URLs associated with particular hits, the URL diagnostics group reports functional URLs. These are customizable reporting sche...
HTML Help API Reference (Windows) operator XMVECTOR method (Windows) How to Open a Rooted View of a Junction Point Through a Shortcut File (Windows) MFCheckContentProtectionDevice function (Windows) ISpatialAudioMetadataReader::ReadItemCountinFrames method (Windows) ISpatialAudioRenderStreamForHrtf:...