<EditText android:inputType="number" android:digits="01" /> This would restrict the digits entered to just "0" and "1". We might want to limit the total number of characters with: <EditText android:maxLength="5" /> Using these properties we can define the expected input behavior for ...
But these three are the main which is used with EditText: autoText : It is used to make the EditText in such a manner that it is able to correct the common spelling mistakes. you will see the effect of autoText property in the below images with the capitalize property of EditText, ...
import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.TextView; public class MainActivity extends Activity { // Declare references EditText userInput; TextView recordsTextView; MyDBHandler dbHandler; @Ov...
The android:textColorLink attribute controls the highlighting for hyperlinks embedded within the TextView. This results in: We can edit the color at runtime with: Java Kotlin // based on hex value textView.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#000000")); // based on a color resource file textVie...
In this configuration step, you’ll register the Android app with Auth0, get two key pieces of information you’ll need to enter into the app and specify how Auth0 should notify your app when a user has logged in and logged out. ...
A tool that facilitates working with Spans on TextViews or any extension of them (EditTexts, Buttons...). - JMPergar/AwesomeText
Observe theuse of android:gravity="top" for edit text. Without this line, your cursor will be in middle of the control and typing will start from moddle. As seen in figure 2.1, We must also have a menu with shown elements. We have already learnt how to work with menus from ourAndroi...
It's working fine in android native EditText. So I create EditText in android native and invoked it. That is working fine smoothly. Later I found the library for the use of native text input. https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_native_text_input Just use that library to save time. 🍻 ...
I have been trying to add autosize to my app but it's failing. It never resizes the text. Here you have a preview where both Text View types (TextView and AppCompatTextView) and they look exactly after applying the required properties. Nexus 10 with
Let's see how we can use the REPL to quickly create and try individual steps in a test.As an example, we can use the results of the tree command above. If our test is required to enter text in the EditText with the ID of creditCardNumberText, it could use the IApp.EnterText ...