NSW -Working with Children in New South Wales In New South Wales, the “NSW Commission for Children and Young People” is responsible for the Working with Children Check, and details are at: www.kids.nsw.gov.au VIC – Working with Children in Victoria In Victoria, the Government requires a...
The 2 hours in the first example is because the 1st of May is in the holiday list. If you remove that date from the holiday list, you get 3 hours. VladLockhart Seems I am a bit late to the party! This is an Excel 365 solutions that will produce a table of shifts worked or...
and the IDEMIA PIV has not worked with any of the Mac client versions released in the last year (including the current 10.7.3 version). My new IDEMIA PIV works with ssh, chrome and safari and the command-line rdesktop client.
I'm trying to do the Linux headless install as described athttps://www.dropbox.com/installon an Ubuntu 16.04 workstation. It works until I get to the point in the instructions that say "If you're running Dropbox on your server for the first time, you'll be asked to copy and paste...
ASTRO File Manager – A nice simple, but powerful file manager for accessing files on your SD card. TasKiller Free – A brilliant little app that comes with 3 different sized widgets so you can easily remove apps from memory. Sportstracker – Great to see this Symbian app now on Android....
Was anybody able to get classic (meaning none BLE - these are included) HID drivers to work? These also seem not to be included. I tried just porting the BT HID driver over - with no success. Tyler_Durden_85, It all depends on the exact device you have. W...
Hi there I have configured a page approval on a modern Communications site and the flow appears to create correctly and run properly up to the point that the approval happens. But, when it goes to update the page to approved, I get a fail and an error message that says: ...