FUN WITH COOKIEPaul: “I have been working for this company for ten years, however they chose the new guy for promotion(升职) over me.”Julia: “Well, that’s just the way the cookie breaks into pieces.”This is an informal expression that means bad things happen in life and there is...
Experience a connection with our Employee service recognition program As a show of our appreciation for the contribution you’ve made over the years, we formally recognise your continuous service at various milestones. Parental Leave Our Parental Leave program provides meaningful financial and non-financ...
“Deloitte GDC provides me with a good platform and allows me to grow with the firm. At Deloitte, employees have very clear career pathways, which help me plan for my future. First, I built self-awareness through internships. In the next 2-3 years, I worked to consolidate and enhance m...
Building Operator(Former Employee)-Edmonton, AB-3 February 2024 The building was very outdated and a lot was overlooked. They go through workers pretty quickly. The hardest part of dealing with higher-ups. Enjoyable part of other workers. ...
Bonuslycreates high-performance culturesthrough an employee recognition and feedback solution where companies can celebrate their wins and bring their teams closer together. One of the significant effects of using Bonusly is the sense of community and mutual appreciation at the workplace. The result is...
Team Member(Current Employee)-Western Australia-20 February 2020 Woolworths can be an excellent company to work for, but really need Store Management to be more capable of doing their job. Staff on the ground level work under pressure, for very little recognition, including Department Manage...
Consultant(Current Employee)-Singapur, PR-25 August 2022 SAP has a lot of benefits to employees and good worklifebalance and flexibility. Lot of opportunities to move with in the organisation including the fellowship program to do part time role in different team ...
Besides, firms’ remuneration for employees is often associated with working time and employee contract type. As a result, workers who work part-time, without formal contracts, and irregular workers are generally not entitled to these benefits. Thus, an increase in irregular employment may lead to...
AI Evolved To embrace AI’s limitless opportunities, businesses need to adapt an AI-first culture. Here's how. Learn Moreabout AI Be The First To See New Opportunities Join Our Talent Network Sign up, stay connected and get opportunities that match your skills sent right to your inbox....
I took a headfirst dive into the world of employee wellness programs. I was working on my PhD in Applied Exercise Physiology at Texas A&M when the director of our lab came to me with a question: Was I interested in working on an evaluation of the wellness program at the big Westinghou...