Working with a spouse is very risky business
Start with: 1. Risk tolerance. Can the family tolerate the risk of two incomes coming from the same small business? What happens if a spouse dies? When my husband and I went into business together, we had to re-evaluate our life insurance coverage. Then there’s health insurance. With ...
Make time to be a couplewithout working; it’s a dinner meal with the family and you discuss the crisis that just occurred at work. Kids are playing outside having fun and a work issue you think needs to be immediately addressed by your spouse. They may not think of it as very im...
My husband, who is AMAZING at processes, and with the help of ActiveCollab, created each client as a project. Then he created tasks for each service we offer to the client and the precise steps for each service.There is plenty of room for notes in ActiveCollab, which can be as detailed ...
Well, here is a slightly more unusual question that you might want to consider if you are married and are thinking of starting a real estate investing business: Is it a good idea to work with your spouse in real estate investing? Once again, there is no obvious, straightforward response, ...
Male patients were more likely than female patients to expect that the treatment would enable them to cope better with being a spouse and that the cause... M Anne,Boonstra,F Michiel,... - 《Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Official Journal of the Uems European Board of Physical & Rehabilita...
Hf #274: Tips for Working from Home (with your spouse!)Hf #274: Tips for Working from Home (with your spouse!) Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. Links & Resources: Our sponsor:Check out theLaugh And Learn Bible for Kids– a great devotional Bible...
This is a motherhood community with passion for writing and being a working mom. T.W.L is an outlet for moms to share their inspirations and creativity on balancing life, motherhood stories, life & style tips, being a military spouse and staying healthy and fit.MORE Email *** ...
I’ve already mentioned it a few times above, but good communication is key, whether you’re going to work together with your spouse at FBA or maintain a healthy marriage while you work at FBA with your spouse’s support. I can’t stress this enough. You’re going to need to communica...
80 percent of Millennials have a working spouse, compared to 73 percent of GenX and only 47 percent of Baby Boomers.80%千禧一代的配偶是有工作的,相比之下,73%X一代(出生于20世纪60年代到70年代初的人)的配偶有工作,对于婴儿潮一代,这个比例是47%。A study in the International journal of ...