During our simulated task the subject is, following a fixation period, presented with two scenes one after the other. Each scene consists of pictures of two objects; a cat, a bird, or some seeds. Next, a retrocue is presented. This indicates which of the two scenes the agent is most l...
The codes for the behavioural experiments, running the paradigm and analysing the data are publicly available on the Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/tpzqk/). All the code for the MLR model, including the simulations that generated the figures and the analysis presented in the tables, ...
115,116,117,118]. In contrast to sham stimulation [114], found that tACS targeting the parietal alpha frequency increased target responses in a retro-cue task [115]. discovered that applying tACS with a beta frequency (20 Hz) over the parietal central region accelerated...
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W. Klimesch EEG alpha and theta oscillations reflect cognitive and memory performance: a review and analysis Brain Res. Brain Res. Rev., 29 (1999), pp. 169-195 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 28 F. Roux, P.J. Uhlhaas Working memory and neural oscillations: α-γ versus θ-γ codes for...
A high working memory load preceding alcohol cue exposure, reduces the desire for alcohol in non-treatment seeking problem drinkersdoi:10.1016/S0924-977X(17)31840-0A. KaagT. PattijT. D. VriesA. GoudriaanR. WiersEuropean Neuropsychopharmacology...
(often referred to as stable in the literature) codes during the memory-maintenance period12,13. Distractors presented during WM maintenance disrupt code stability in the LPFC, despite behavioral evidence of WM stability14,15. If the LPFC plays a role in WM maintenance, then time-invariant ...
Moreover, hidden memories are remarkably flexible: an instruction cue that directs people to forget one item is sufficient to wipe the corresponding trace from the hidden state. In contrast, temporarily unattended items remain robustly coded in the hidden state, decoupling attentional focus from cue...
Working memory (WM) is characterized by the ability to maintain stable representations over time; however, neural activity associated with WM maintenance can be highly dynamic. We explore whether complex population coding dynamics during WM relate to the
W. Power-law efficient neural codes provide general link between perceptual bias and discriminability. Adv. Neural Inform. Process. Syst. 31 (2018). Taylor, R. & Bays, P. M. Efficient coding in visual working memory accounts for stimulus-specific variations in recall. J. Neurosci. 38, 7132...