在国外从事和小孩子相关的工作比如(助教,教师,day-care日托,护理等)都需要WWCC证,即Working With Children Check, 该证可直接在相关学校申请。同时还需要Police Clearance(无犯罪证明),可网申。
working with childre check是对你以前参与幼教或者其他一些与儿童教育看护有关工作的背景调查,不管是义务的还有有偿的工作都算。主要还是为了避免那些曾经有过犯罪记录或者不良记录的人参与到幼教等工作中,给儿童带来伤害。详细解释的话,澳洲各州都有WWC check的官网,你可以去参考。national police records...
网络寄宿家庭证;工作的证明 网络释义
因而,儿童工作核查(Working with Children Check)是有助于控制这些风险的一个重要策略。儿童安全组织能够通过采取相关措施保护儿童免受身体和性伤害或者精神伤害。“儿童友善”意味着珍重、尊重和包容孩子们,让他们相信有人倾听他们的意见。儿童工作核查部门的职责便是向儿童和家长传达这方面的安全信息。至关重要的一点便...
我们的小组在英国、苏格兰和威尔士游览历史和现代土木工程站点,匾是热忱的认出的国际历史的土木工程站点。 [translate] aworking with children check card 与儿童检查卡片一起使用 [translate] 英语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译 俄语翻译 阿拉伯语翻译 西班牙语翻译 葡萄牙语翻译 意大利语翻译 荷兰语翻译 ...
摘要: i. unless the person holds, or has applied for, a WWC check;ii. if the person has been issued with a negative notice or interim negative notice; oriii. if the person has been convicted of a Class 1 offence that was committed when he or she was an adult....
Consent to a Criminal Record Check for working with children and/or vulnerable adultsOrganization Name: Mailing Address: City: Province: Country: Postal Code: Office Phone: Fax: Applicant’s Position / Job Title with Organization: • Organization type MUST be selected • ID MUST be verified...
Consent to a Criminal Record Check for working with children and/or vulnerable adults 来自 nuokui.com 喜欢 0 阅读量: 157 作者: OF Page 摘要: Organization Name: Mailing Address: City: Province: Country: Postal Code: Office Phone: Fax: Applicant’s Position / Job Title with Organization: ...
(ˈwʊdˌwɜːkɪŋ) n (Crafts) the process of working wood adj (Crafts) of, relating to, or used in woodworking Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014...
We had seen a deal where you could call to add Branson Belle tickets to your Silver Dollar City tickets, so check if that deal is available. Day 6 – Thursday – Silver Dollar City Fireman’s Landing at Silver Dollar City Since we’d been here before, we now knew what rides we ...