Now the list has 185+ song IDs from 60. All the codes, as of now, are working and checkedWe listen to music while doing work, gym, parties, and driving to make our minds fresh and relaxed. Music is the food for the soul. It has a different taste for everyone. Some like rap, ...
They—Shuck, Syd, and a whining Biscuit—were tearing through the woods by the river in the Mule before Shuck realized he’d just added grand theft auto of a farm all-terrain vehicle to the rap sheet. Syd held the guitar to her chest, too scared, per...
(einriesse)rioefst)horfeethdrieffeerdeinfftecraepnatccitaoprasc, iwtoirths, ewacihthcaepacahc- ciatapnacceitarenpcreerseepnrtesdenbyteda dbyispaodsiistpioonsiotifopnaoraf lplealraplllaetleps l(aatreesa(aAr,eathAe ,dtihsetadnicsetabnectewbeeetnweeleenc- etlreocdtreosddeisadnidanddiffdei...
That would probably be “Paint It” because we’re both on that song. He’s doing the background [vocals] on that song, but the way we did was, that track didn’t sound like that. That track was slowed down. We pitched it up and we pitched it faster. It was recorde...