对公账户单笔支出 ( )至()的,必须换人对凭证真伪、印鉴真伪进行复审。
Solar cooker is an apparatus that is used to cook food using direct sunlight. It doesn’t require cooking gas, kerosene, electricity, coal or wood.
This is all about what is asolar cooker, how to make a solar cooker, solar cooker working, advantages and disadvantages of a solar cooker. We hope that you have got a clear idea about this device and how the sun’s energy is utilized to cook the food. However, keep the above steps ...
Solar Power related all information including types of solar power, technologies, working uses, advantage and disadvantage etc.
Working principle of Switch Mode Power Supply The working of a switch mode power supply topologies is discussed below. DC-DC Converter SMPS Working In this power source, a high voltage DC power is directly acquired from a DC power source. Then, this high voltage DC power is switched usually...